Berlin Open 2023

September 23, 2023
Event #4059
Lando Calrissian
C-3PO (Crew), Rey (Gunner), Contraband Cybernetics, Rey's Millennium Falcon
Ello Asty
Marksmanship, Heroic, Munitions Failsafe, Integrated S-foils, Mag-Pulse Warheads
Lega Fossang
Diamond-Boron Missiles, Wartime Loadout
Shasa Zaro
Dorsal Turret, Wartime Loadout, Plasma Torpedoes
Corus Kapellim
Dorsal Turret, Wartime Loadout, Cluster Missiles
#1: Han248
View in YASB
Anakin Skywalker (SoC)
Malice, Ancillary Ion Weapons (SoC), R2-D2 (Republic)
“Odd Ball” (SoC)
Selfless, Veteran Tail Gunner, R4-P Astromech
“Jag” (SoC)
Veteran Tail Gunner, R4-P Astromech, Synchronized Console
“Wolffe” (SoC)
Wolfpack (SoC), Veteran Tail Gunner, Q7 Astromech
Padmé Amidala
Juke, Passive Sensors, Plasma Torpedoes, Q7 Astromech
#2: Luke732
View in YASB
Corus Kapellim
Dorsal Turret, Wartime Loadout, Cluster Missiles
Zorii Bliss
Swarm Tactics, Wartime Loadout, Cluster Missiles
Ello Asty
Predator, BB-8, Integrated S-foils
Jessika Pava
R2-D2 (Resistance), Integrated S-foils, Jamming Beam
Nien Nunb
Predator, Pattern Analyzer, R5-X3, Spare Parts Canisters, Integrated S-foils
#3: Hubczas
View in YASB
Han Solo
Trick Shot, Perceptive Copilot, Bistan, Millennium Falcon
Fenn Rau
Clan Training, Predator, Mandalorian Optics, Beskar Reinforced Plating
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Sabine Wren
Clan Training, Beskar Reinforced Plating, Mandalorian Optics, Vectored Cannons (RZ-1)
#4: Piter
View in YASB
Lone Wolf, Agile Gunner, Contraband Cybernetics, Punishing One, R5-P8
Fenn Rau
Fearless, Beskar Reinforced Plating, Burnout Thrusters
Marksmanship, Deadman's Switch
Laetin A’shera
Elusive, Heavy Laser Cannon
Quinn Jast
Elusive, Proton Rockets
#5: Taloncor
View in YASB
Han Solo
Trick Shot, Perceptive Copilot, Bistan, Millennium Falcon
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Corran Horn
Marksmanship, Concussion Missiles, R3 Astromech, Servomotor S-foils
Jake Farrell
Marksmanship, Elusive, Cluster Missiles, Electronic Baffle
#6: Immatar
View in YASB
Ello Asty
Integrated S-foils, Heroic, Marksmanship, M9-G8
C’ai Threnalli
Integrated S-foils, Heroic, Pattern Analyzer
Temmin Wexley
Integrated S-foils, Proton Rockets, Marksmanship
Venisa Doza
Integrated S-foils, Marksmanship, Barrage Rockets
Nimi Chireen
Integrated S-foils, Pattern Analyzer, R6-D8
#7: Baron Lutschbär
View in LBN
Fenn Rau
Beskar Reinforced Plating, Mandalorian Optics, Marksmanship, Predator
Bodica Venj
Beskar Reinforced Plating, Mandalorian Optics, Predator
Hera Syndulla
Marksmanship, Mag-Pulse Warheads
Saw Gerrera
Pivot Wing, Contraband Cybernetics, Notorious, Magva Yarro, Tactical Officer
Sabine Wren
Lone Wolf
#8: Resonanzo
View in LBN
Commander Malarus
Cluster Missiles
Lieutenant LeHuse
Proud Tradition, Pattern Analyzer, Special Forces Gunner
Squad Leader, Biohexacrypt Codes
Kylo Ren
Instinctive Aim, Brilliant Evasion, Concussion Missiles, Advanced Optics, Enhanced Jamming Suite
Major Vonreg
Marksmanship, Lone Wolf, Deuterium Power Cells, Mag-Pulse Warheads
#9: Mighty
View in YASB
Han Solo (Scum)
Trick Shot, Cluster Missiles, The Mandalorian, The Child, Veteran Turret Gunner, Lando's Millennium Falcon
Dace Bonearm
Marg Sabl Closure, Protectorate Gleb, Concussion Bombs, Delayed Fuses, Moldy Crow
Cutthroat, Marksmanship, Proton Cannons, Overtuned Modulators
Arliz Hadrassian
Dorsal Turret, Cluster Missiles, Ion Bombs
Leema Kai
Mag-Pulse Warheads, Concussion Bombs
#10: Khain90
View in YASB
Rear Admiral Chiraneau
The Child, Emperor Palpatine, Agile Gunner, Dauntless
Darth Vader (BoY)
Marksmanship, Hate, Afterburners
Maarek Stele
Deadeye Shot, Marksmanship, Fire-Control System, Cluster Missiles, Munitions Failsafe
Tomax Bren
Saturation Salvo, Barrage Rockets, Bomblet Generator
#11: Karghan
View in YASB
Poe Dameron
Marksmanship, Trick Shot, C-3PO (Crew), Rey (Gunner), Engine Upgrade, Rey's Millennium Falcon
L’ulo L’ampar
Marksmanship, Heroic, Shield Upgrade
Ello Asty
Heroic, Marksmanship, M9-G8, Integrated S-foils
Shasa Zaro
Dorsal Turret, L4E-R5, Engine Upgrade, Targeting Computer
Larma D'Acy
#12: Jannis Fritsch
View in YASB
Special Forces Gunner, Fire-Control System, Deuterium Power Cells, Proud Tradition, Fanatical
Commander Malarus
Cluster Missiles
Swarm Tactics, Fanatical
Kylo Ren
Advanced Optics, Concussion Missiles, Enhanced Jamming Suite, Instinctive Aim, Proud Tradition
Lone Wolf, Elusive
#13: Tie-Fuller
View in LBN
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Kanan Jarrus
The Child, Ursa Wren, Veteran Turret Gunner, Dorsal Turret, Fire-Control System
Sabine Wren
Beskar Reinforced Plating
Saw Gerrera, Veteran Turret Gunner, Dorsal Turret
#14: Bobby802
View in LBN
L’ulo L’ampar
Heroic, Marksmanship, Shield Upgrade
Ello Asty
Heroic, Marksmanship, M9-G8, Integrated S-foils
Temmin Wexley
Heroic, Pattern Analyzer, Integrated S-foils, Underslung Blaster Cannon
Lega Fossang
Dorsal Turret, Seismic Charges, Wartime Loadout
Shasa Zaro
Dorsal Turret, Watchful Astromech, Seismic Charges, Wartime Loadout
Automated Target Priority, Han Solo (Crew)
#15: Laminidas
View in YASB
Han Solo
Millennium Falcon, K-2SO, Lando Calrissian, Ezra Bridger, Contraband Cybernetics
Tycho Celchu
Predator, Hopeful, Concussion Missiles, Heavy Laser Cannon
Wedge Antilles
Predator, Marksmanship
Keo Venzee
Proton Rockets
Arvel Crynyd
Predator, Marksmanship
#16: DeathWalkingTerror
View in LBN
Fanatical, Proud Tradition, Pattern Analyzer, Special Forces Gunner, Fire-Control System
Kylo Ren
Instinctive Aim, Fanatical, Concussion Missiles, Advanced Optics, Enhanced Jamming Suite
Lieutenant LeHuse
Proud Tradition, Pattern Analyzer, Special Forces Gunner
Commander Malarus
Mag-Pulse Warheads
Lin Gaava
Fanatical, Ion Limiter Override, Pattern Analyzer
#17: Bob-47
View in YASB
Darth Vader (BoY)
Marksmanship, Hate, Afterburners
“Mauler” Mithel (BoY)
Predator, Afterburners
“Backstabber” (BoY)
Crack Shot, Disciplined, Afterburners
Tomax Bren
Saturation Salvo, Barrage Rockets, Bomblet Generator
Captain Jonus
Saturation Salvo, Barrage Rockets, Bomblet Generator
#18: Torsten 'Toto75' Behrens
View in YASB
Saturation Salvo, Barrage Rockets, Agile Gunner, Clone Commander Cody, Aayla Secura
“Odd Ball” (SoC)
Selfless, Veteran Tail Gunner, R4-P Astromech
“Wolffe” (SoC)
Wolfpack (SoC), Veteran Tail Gunner, Q7 Astromech
Padmé Amidala
Marksmanship, Proton Torpedoes, Passive Sensors
#19: ElWray
View in LBN
Durge (CIS)
Marksmanship, Proton Cannons, Xanadu Blood, Proton Bombs
Cad Bane
Notorious, Proton Cannons, Deadman's Switch
General Grievous
Marksmanship, Impervium Plating, Shield Upgrade, Soulless One
DBS-404 (SoC)
Adv. Proton Torpedoes, Contingency Protocol (SoC), Strut-Lock Override (SoC)
Energy-Shell Charges, Munitions Failsafe, Grappling Struts
The Iron Assembler
Energy-Shell Charges, Munitions Failsafe, Grappling Struts
#20: Vutha Gix
View in YASB
No list submitted.
#21: meeouw
“Odd Ball” (SoC)
Selfless, Veteran Tail Gunner, R4-P Astromech
“Wolffe” (SoC)
Wolfpack (SoC), Veteran Tail Gunner, Q7 Astromech
Ric Olié
Juke, R3 Astromech, Fire-Control System
Padmé Amidala
Juke, Plasma Torpedoes, Fire-Control System, R3 Astromech
Anakin Skywalker (SoC)
Malice, Ancillary Ion Weapons (SoC), R2-D2 (Republic)
#22: Dystopian
View in LBN
Darth Vader
Malice, Heavy Laser Cannon
Soontir Fel
Ruthless, Marksmanship, Shield Upgrade
Tomax Bren
Saturation Salvo, Barrage Rockets, Bomblet Generator
Major Rhymer
Saturation Salvo, Barrage Rockets, Seismic Charges, Delayed Fuses
#23: Emanuel Creed008 Lippold
View in YASB
Fenn Rau
Predator, Fearless, Mandalorian Optics, Beskar Reinforced Plating
Doctor Aphra
Jamming Beam, Lando Calrissian (Crew), 0-0-0, BT-1, Contraband Cybernetics, Babu Frik, Electronic Baffle, Hound's Tooth
Expert Handling, Jamming Beam, Agile Gunner, Contraband Cybernetics, Punishing One, R5-P8
Marksmanship, Expert Handling
#24: Benjamin Lengacker
View in YASB
Rear Admiral Chiraneau
Ruthless, Death Troopers, Darth Vader, Agile Gunner, Electronic Baffle, Dauntless
Tomax Bren
Saturation Salvo, Barrage Rockets, Bomblet Generator
Major Rhymer
Proton Rockets, Ion Bombs
Captain Jonus
Saturation Salvo, Barrage Rockets, Bomblet Generator
Cluster Missiles, Skilled Bombardier, Conner Nets
#25: jonas
View in YASB
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Thane Kyrell
Proton Rockets, Servomotor S-foils
Ahsoka Tano
Brilliant Evasion, Patience, Juke
Tycho Celchu
Lone Wolf, Starbird Slash, Heavy Laser Cannon, Concussion Missiles
Sabine Wren
Beskar Reinforced Plating
#26: TrevorColby
View in YASB
Darth Vader (SSP)
Hate, Ion Missiles, Afterburners
Lieutenant Lorrir
Enduring, Targeting Computer, Sensitive Controls
Rear Admiral Chiraneau
Emperor Palpatine, Novice Technician, Agile Gunner, Proton Bombs, Dauntless
Juno Eclipse
Marksmanship, Passive Sensors, Electronic Baffle
#27: white templer
View in YASB
Major Rhymer
Saturation Salvo, Barrage Rockets, Ion Bombs
Tomax Bren
Saturation Salvo, Barrage Rockets, Bomblet Generator
Captain Jonus
Saturation Salvo, Barrage Rockets, Bomblet Generator
Black Squadron Ace
Black Squadron Ace
Black Squadron Ace
Black Squadron Ace
Black Squadron Ace
#28: Berlin Topgun
View in YASB
Ello Asty
Shield Upgrade, Integrated S-foils
Karé Kun
Shield Upgrade, Integrated S-foils
Temmin Wexley
Deadeye Shot, Shield Upgrade, Integrated S-foils
Nimi Chireen
Shield Upgrade, Integrated S-foils, Jamming Beam
Jaycris Tubbs
Shield Upgrade, Integrated S-foils
#29: Thilol
View in YASB
Cad Bane
Ion Cannon, Deadman's Switch, Xanadu Blood, Conner Nets
Kath Scarlet
Notorious, Concussion Bombs, Deadman's Switch, Marauder, Veteran Tail Gunner
Boba Fett
Perceptive Copilot, Conner Nets, Slave I (Scum/CIS), Veteran Tail Gunner
#30: Enrico Kuppe Enno
View in YASB
Darth Vader
Hate, Jamming Beam, Cluster Missiles
Maarek Stele
Marksmanship, Disciplined, Fire-Control System, Cluster Missiles, Munitions Failsafe
Gideon Hask
Elusive, Predator
Lieutenant Lorrir
Elusive, Targeting Computer
#31: Dake Khan
View in YASB
No list submitted.
#32: Zaltys
Tomax Bren
Saturation Salvo, Barrage Rockets, Bomblet Generator
Emperor Palpatine
Major Rhymer
Saturation Salvo, Ion Torpedoes, Barrage Rockets
Ion Torpedoes, Mag-Pulse Warheads, Seismic Charges
Darth Vader
Instinctive Aim, Malice, Elusive, Targeting Synchronizer, Fire-Control System, Mag-Pulse Warheads, Precision Ion Engines
#33: DaveKingBerlin
View in YASB
Thane Kyrell
Hopeful, Homing Missiles, R4 Astromech, Servomotor S-foils
Wedge Antilles
Hopeful, Marksmanship, Ion Torpedoes, “Chopper”, Munitions Failsafe, Servomotor S-foils
Norra Wexley
Hopeful, Expert Handling, Veteran Tail Gunner
Derek Klivian
Hopeful, Homing Missiles
Keo Venzee
Hopeful, Homing Missiles
#34: Arthurius
View in YASB